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Join FoSL

FoSL Welcomes You!

If you are a new to FoSL:
  1. Please create a new account. Sign-Up
  2. Update your profile by adding your contact and other information.
    see: Login / Edit Profile
  3. Pay your annual $25 dues - Please Join!
  4. Congratulations, you are now an active FoSL member!
If you are renewing your FoSL membership:
  1. Please please login to your account. Login
  2. Update your profile by adding your contact and other information.
    see: Login / Edit Profile
  3. Pay your annual $25 dues - Renew Membership
  4. Congratulations, you are now an active FoSL member!
If you prefer the old reliable paperwork:
  1. Download a membership form.
  2. Print it and fill it in.
  3. Mail it in along with your check.
  4. Congratulations, you will be an active FoSL member!